The time came for the Ribniks to get ready to leave Burbank. Sad to leave so many friends, we did what any good Ribnik will do...we threw ourselves a "Goodbye/Molly's Birthday/Eat Up Our Food Party"! My sister Linda came out with my niece Katy. Cousin Jay was there to grill the burgers and dogs and then he led the kids in a putting contest!
If you gave a correct answer, you got a grocery item or cleaning supply (whatever I couldn't pack for a cross-country trek). If you gave an incorrect answer, you got two prizes! It was so heartening to have so many people come to our party and wish us well...and take home groceries. Terri Alff was particularly pleased to win the cooking oil.
Molly got an early birthday party with loads of her friends. We had two cakes, lots of presents, and a great big batch of fun!
Then people started to say goodbye and we had to let them leave. We tried to pack an extra kid or two to take with us to North Carolina, but their parents wouldn't leave the party without their kids. Go figure!
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