Sunday, November 16, 2008

Hanukah Faire - Mitzvah Munchies

Molly worked on her Mitzvah project for her own Bat Mitzvah (coming up in December 2009!)
We made Mitzvah Munchies for dogs and Mitzvah Toys and Treats for cats.  All the proceeds will go to the ASPCA and The Burbank Animal Shelter.  We made $100!  Yeah Molly.  Yeah Animals.
Won't you buy my Mitzvah Munchies?

Proud Mom!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Marina's Bat Mitzvah - Oy

My sister Linda and I and worked hard to make some cool decorations for Marina's tables.  The theme...NEON!  It was sooo Marina.

Marina wow'd her "audience" at her Bat Mitzvah.  Dressed in a black dress over black skinny jeans and black hightops.  Only she could pull that off!

Mimi the Bat Mitzvah Girl

        Susie and Brother Harlan

Molly had some bonding time with cousin Rhoda Nadel, from North Carolina.