Saturday, January 24, 2009

Look There's Flipper!

Whale Watching with the Jr.Youth Group!

January is a perfect time to go see whales...or at least dolphins. We went out with our Temple Jr. Youth Group in search of Shamu. We sort of saw a whale at one point...but the cool thing was the dozens and dozens of dolphins we saw. Well worth the trip just for that!

The Whole Group

Joyce, Cantor Mariana and Moi

Flipper and Friends

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Meet The Ribniks - from New Jersey!

Did you know that there is another Susie Ribnik? Yes there is and she is very cool!
Susie and Ron Ribnik, my cousins, came from New Jersey to LA on business. We met in Hollywood (Hollywierd) and had lunch and photo ops! I wish they lived closer!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year - 2009

Molly and Jessica just rang in the new year!  Raspberry Tea and silly hats.  Here's to a great 2009!  It will be a great one!